Pain injections

Our expert pain management consultants can provide treatment for acute or chronic pain.

About pain injections

Managing pain can be difficult and have a serious impact on your day-to-day life. Acute pain lasts about three months and may be a result of trauma, illness or surgery. Chronic pain is persistent and a long-term condition, for example, spinal pain, sciatica, nerve pain, cancer pain, chronic headaches, abdominal and pelvic pain.

Our expert consultants at Cromwell Hospital and Basinghall Clinic can support you with pain injections to help you reduce or relieve your pain as much as possible.

Self-pay packages

As well as working with all major insurance companies, we also welcome patients who wish to pay for themselves. We offer a range of self-pay package options, including:

  • Fixed Price Packages: these are comprehensive, all-inclusive packages that group everything you may need into one clear price. All of our Fixed Price Packages include diagnostics, procedure, all professional fees, all post-op outpatient care and any other consultant-recommended services as part of you treatment.

Below is an outline of our Fixed Price Packages.

Fixed Price PackagePackage codePackage price
Epidural injection (caudal)A5211£1,915
Epidural injection (cervical)A5200£2,395
Epidural injection (lumbar)A5210£1,910
Epidural injection (thoracic)A5220£2,355
Facet joint injection (cervical)A5773£2,260
Facet joint injection (thoracic)A5774£2,260
Facet joint injection (lumbar)A5775£2,260
Radiofrequency ablationA5765£3,255
Sacroiliac joint injection under image guidance (and bilateral)A5790£1,830

Terms and conditions

The fixed price packages are offered to self-paying patients for a specific procedure. When enquiring about a package, please quote the specific package code as outlined in the tables.

The package price must be paid 48hrs prior to admission and the exclusions (see below) should be paid for on discharge. If pre-admission tests are performed, and the procedure does not take place you will be liable for the costs of the preadmission tests. 

  • Consultant Surgeon and Consultant Anaesthetist procedure fees.
  • Pre-admission outpatient tests, which includes standard pathology and diagnostic tests (ECG & Chest X-ray), if required.
  • Recovery and accommodation which includes a stay in a private en-suite room.
  • Ward medications, dressings, and ward nursing consumables.
  • Theatre Procedure, including anaesthetic drugs and theatre consumables.
  • Pathology and histology, if required.
  • Standard post–op medication issued and used during the inpatient stay.
  • Inpatient physiotherapy and surgical stockings, if required.
  • Discharge medication pertaining to the condition being treated by this package.
  • All patient meals and non-alcoholic beverages.

Inclusions listed above are non-refundable if not required.

  • Take out supplies.
  • Companion beds and catering for relatives / visitors.
  • Personal expenses – telephone calls, additional catering, ambulances, etc
  • Follow-up consultations with consultant.

If additional night’s stay, diagnostics, or other services are requested from your consultant you will not be charged in addition for these as these are included within the fixed price package.

Book an appointment today

Our telephone lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 2pm Saturdays.


Alternatively, fill out our appointment request form and we'll be in touch shortly.

Please note - regrettably we are unable to answer specific medical questions or offer medical advice via email or telephone.