A guide for IR(ME)R Referrers to Cromwell Hospital and Basinghall Clinic

In accordance with the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposures) Regulation IRMER, the
Cromwell Hospital Radiology Department would like to make all Referrers aware of the
following Guidelines.


  • A request for a Radiological Examination will be regarded as a request from one Clinician or Health Professional to the Radiology Department for an opinion based upon a radiological examination to assist in the management of a clinical problem.
  • Diagnostic Imaging or radiological procedures will only be performed upon a written request signed by a Registered Medical or Dental Practitioner or by an authorised Non-Medical Practitioner.
  • Signed referrals (request form or letter) must precede or accompany the patient. Signed electronic copies are also accepted.
  • All requests must carry sufficient information to identify the patient. This normally consists of first name, middle name if any, and family name, date of birth and address.
  • All requests must carry sufficient clinical information to enable the requested examination to be justified. Referral criteria are based on the Royal College of Radiologists’ Guidelines - “Making the best use of a Department of Clinical Radiology: Guidelines for Doctors”.
  • All requests shall clearly state the examination requested.
  • All requests must include contact details of the Referring Clinician including address and telephone number.

Patients of child bearing potential

  • All requests for X-ray examinations for patients of childbearing potential must state the date of the first day of the patient’s menstrual period.

Clinical Justification of Requests

  • All requests for imaging must be justified prior to exposure by the appropriate Practitioner for the examination to ensure that they meet with The Royal College of Radiologists’ Guidelines and any local Guidelines and that, in their professional judgement, they are clinically justified (Royal College of Radiologists Publication: BCFR(00)5)

Access to iRefer

iRefer is a tool providing referral guidelines to help referrers request the best, safest, and most valuable imaging investigations in order to facilitate rapid authorisation and justification.

Access to iRefer and more information on referral processes is available to all IR(ME)R Referrers making requests to the Cromwell Hospital.

If you would like access please contact pet.ct@cromwellhospital.com.