Children’s ophthalmology
This specialty addresses disorders of the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye.
About children's ophthalmology
Services we provide include:
- general and primary opthalmologic care
- corneal surgery
- orbital surgery
- orthoptic and visual field service
- external eye disease
- eyelid and reconstructive surgery
- low vision aids, optometrist and contact lens service
- glaucoma
- medial retina (age and diabetes related pathology)
- neuro-ophthalmology
- paediatric ophthalmology
- tear duct surgery
- digital fluorescein angiography.
We offer a range of surgical procedures including:
- an oculoplastic service for lid malposition, lacrimal diseases and orbital work
- orbital surgery in conjunction with ENT and craniofacial consultants
- periocular surgery relating to the area around the eye as opposed to within the eye, is available to treat for example, removal of lesions, blepharoplasty and various plastic surgery procedures
Please note that we do not provide a paediatric intensive care unit at Cromwell Hospital. However, any deteriorating child will be quickly assessed and stabilised by a Resident Medical Officer (RMO) trained in paediatric intensive care, supported by an on-call Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant, before being transferred to the most appropriate paediatric intensive care provider by the Children’s Acute Transport Service (CATS).
Book an appointment today
Our telephone lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 2pm Saturdays.
Alternatively, fill out our appointment request form and we'll be in touch shortly.
Please note - regrettably we are unable to answer specific medical questions or offer medical advice via email or telephone.