We are delighted that a collaborative abstract with Vinehealth has been accepted at the ISPOR conference in May 2023. Titled ‘Evaluating the Impact of Digital Proms Collection in an Outpatient Breast Cancer Clinic: A Feasibility Pilot’, this abstract presents findings in the field of digital health.

The study evaluated the impact of Vinehealth’s digital patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) collection in an outpatient breast cancer clinic at Cromwell Hospital, led by Mr Giles Davies, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon and Director of Breast Surgery at Cromwell Hospital. The results of this pilot study demonstrate that digital PROMs collection drastically improves patient response rates and could be more cost-effective. Furthermore, high levels of symptom logging show effective patient engagement with Vinehealth, providing potential for a rapid access escalation pathway for early warning signs of treatment-associated complications.

“It’s a key priority for us and having Vinehealth at our patient’s fingertips has allowed us to really understand the real outcomes of our care by longitudinally tracking symptoms. Our real-world view of outcomes is transformative as conventional metrics like length of stay are simply not a measure of patient experience. Pivoting to a PROMs based patient experience led breast cancer service will shape and change what we do (reconstruction choices, information provision) how we do it (no more booklets and one size fits all information) and most importantly give us data to inform us why we do it (the patient experience and impact on improving patients quality of life)” – Mr Giles Davies

Vinehealth is dedicated to developing innovative digital health solutions that empower patients and improve their healthcare experiences. Our collaborative project showcases the power of digital health and the potential it holds for transforming the healthcare industry.