Professor Hasan Tahir
Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist
Languages spoken: English Urdu
Professor Hasan Tahir
Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist
Languages spoken: English Urdu
Appointments available at:
Cromwell HospitalPatient Age Group
AdultsYear qualified
RheumatologyClinical Interests
About Professor Hasan Tahir
He provides a specialist service for Inflammatory arthritis which includes a focus on up-to-date care and streamlines the management of complex patients. He developed a novel, weekly QIP MDT virtual biologic clinic, to facilitate patients access to biologics leading to improved standards of care, reducing treatment delays, integrating research and clinical practice, and offering excellent training opportunity to maintain specialist knowledge on safe and effective prescribing.
He was awarded the Barts Health Innovation in health awards runner up in 2018. He leads the AS Service which has been recognised in his previous Trust by the BSR as an Emerging Best UK Practice. The current AS service that he leads is part of the NASS Aspiring to Excellence programme and he was recently the winner of the Gold Standard NASS change maker award.
He co-designed the MySpA Educational App, available free of charge on both Google play and Apple Store. The App provides instant access to medical information, exercises, and assessments, to help patients manage their arthritis.
Following on from his 2 NIHR research recognition awards, he continues to be passionate about Clinical Research and is committed to continuing his involvement, despite his busy clinical job with the aim of capturing research, funding and producing publications, and presenting at international meetings.
He has promoted and embedded a research culture within his unit. He has participated in a large number of multi-national phase 3/4 national portfolio studies, which included him as a Chief Investigator. He continues to present the outcomes of a number of the studies at a National and International level. He was also extensively involved as a Principal Investigator in COVID research looking at new treatments for COVID. This included the national Recovery study for which he recruited over 350 patients. He has extensively published in peer reviewed journals and has written chapters in medical textbooks.
He thoroughly enjoys teaching and continues to actively participate in both Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching. He is on the panel of Chairs of International examiners and the Medical Secretary of the MRCP Clinical Exam Board and Scenario Editorial Committee of the MRCP PACES exam.
He has been a TV presenter of a Live Health Show and is actively involved in humanitarian work overseas. He recently appeared on the BBC Hospital Series in which they highlighted his involvement as a principal investigator with COVID research at the Royal Free London NHS Trust. He is the cofounder of the charity Friends of Charity International.
NHS Base (trust)
Professional memberships