Mr Jas Kalsi
Consultant Urologist and Male Fertility Expert
BSc (Hons) MBBS (Hons) MD (Res) MRCS (Eng) MRCSEd FRCS (Urol)
Languages spoken: English Hindi Punjabi
Mr Jas Kalsi
Consultant Urologist and Male Fertility Expert
BSc (Hons) MBBS (Hons) MD (Res) MRCS (Eng) MRCSEd FRCS (Urol)
Languages spoken: English Hindi Punjabi
Appointments available at:
Cromwell HospitalPatient Age Group
AdultsYear qualified
UrologyClinical Interests
About Mr Jas Kalsi
He is a Consultant at Frimley Health and an Hon Consultant at Imperial College. He regularly teaches on national and international courses. He has a passion for treating patients using minimally invasive techniques so that they may return to normal activities quickly. He routinely performs the gold standard Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) surgery for men with severe urinary symptoms as well the newer techniques of Rezum and Urolift. He is also a specialist in the management of men with both erectile and male fertility problems using the latest techniques including micro-surgery.
NHS Base (trust)
Professional memberships