London Core Review at Wellcome CollectionThe London Core Review recently held their cardiothoracic surgery course at the Wellcome Collection.

The London Core Review organisation is comprised of volunteering cardiothoracic surgeons who have a passion for teaching. Several internationally renowned consultants presented at the event, including Professor Tirone David and Professor Gebrine El Khoury.

The three-day intensive London Core Review cardiothoracic surgery course was suitable for a wide range of professionals and covered a variety of topics from aortic valve repair to critical care physiology. The event schedule comprised of both cardiothoracic lectures and interactive sessions, to provide a well-rounded experience.

Several cardiac nurses from Cromwell Hospital attended the course to expand their knowledge and expertise.

Mr Aziz Momin, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon and London Core Review Course Director, said of the event: “We were delighted to recently deliver our three-day course in London for the benefit of local and international attendees.”